2024-07-22 2024-07-22

Conferencias y seminarios

Charla "Collaborative State Machines: A Better Programming Model for the Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum"


Lunes 22 de julio de 2024




Auditorio Ramón Picarte DCC

(3er piso Edificio Norte de Beauchef 851)

Existing programming models face challenges in addressing dynamic and stateful aspects of modern Cloud-Edge applications. To overcome this weakness, this paper introduces Collaborative State Machines (CSM), a novel approach to facilitate the development of reactive, event-driven, and stateful applications for the Cloud-Edge-IoT continuum. CSM enables the development of applications as a collection of state machines that collaborate autonomously and can be distributed across the layers of the continuum. Key features of CSM include (i) a collaboration mechanism among state machines using events and persistent data; (ii) encapsulation of state by encompassing the inherent state of state machines and persistent data; (iii) actions and service invocations as an integral part of states and state transitions decoupling complex application logic from compute and data processing services; and (iv) an advanced data model supporting the processing of local, static and persistent data with scope and lifetime. We evaluate CSM through two realistic use cases. Our evaluation with a light control use case demonstrates that CSM provides a significant improvement in productivity and costs over a state-of-the-art application development platform (AWS Step Functions). Experiments with a video surveillance use case show that CSM also effectively accommodates the Edge layer, resulting in a lower reaction time (10%) and cost reduction (64x) over a comparable use case implementation using Cloud-IoT versus Cloud-Edge-IoT.


Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación
Ana Martínez comunicaciones@dcc.uchile.cl