This short course is for engineers and geologists who are interested in the
measurement and use of shear wave velocity in geotechnical earthquake
The course will cover the applications of VS in:
• site response analysis
• liquefaction engineering
• dynamic slope stability
• surface fault rupture
• other
The various different methods used to measure VS in the field and the lab are discussed in detail and the relative accuracy and precision of each are covered in the class. Passive surface wave methods will be employed during a field demonstration, and the dispersion data post-processed back in the class to complete the course.
Schedule (1.5 day course)
• Morning Day 1: In class overview using both slides and boardwork.
• Afternoon Day 1: Field demo of passive surface wave measurements.
• Morning Day 2: Post-processing of passive surface wave data.
Instructor: Robb Moss, PhD PE, is a professor of geotechnical earthquake engineering from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. He is also business partner of LMMG GEOTECNIA. He received his PhD from UC Berkeley, has 4+ years of full-time consulting experience in seismic hazard engineering, and 10+ years of full-time teaching experience on the topics of geotechnical, earthquake, and risk engineering. He has been part of 9 international earthquake reconnaissance teams including the 2010 Maule Chile earthquake.
Ricardo Moffat, PhD. Académico, Universidad de Chile. Socio LMMG Geotecnia.
Costo del curso: $80.000
Ubicación: Departamento de Ing. Civil, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Chile.
Inscripciones con:
Roberto Bravo
Jefe Administrativo Ing. Civil Universidad de Chile
Fono: 29784374