Master in Meteorology and Climatology

Grado académico
Master in Meteorology and Climatology
Área del conocimiento
Facultad o Instituto
Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas
N° de Decreto
Prof. Laura Gallardo Klenner


Prof. Laura Gallardo Klenner
+562 2978405



Weather conditions affect a variety of economic and social activities, especially in our country, whose economy is highly dependent on natural resources. The diagnosis of these conditions at a local, regional and global level, and its prediction potential from hourly fluctuations to secular trends, constitutes fundamental capacities to operate and plan a large range of systems. Knowledge of past, present and future atmospheric conditions makes the more efficient use of diverse resources possible, while allowing prevention and mitigation of the negative effects associated with unfavorable weather conditions (frost, floods, droughts).

In spite of Meteorology Science's relevancy, there is currently a lack of expert professionals in meteorology, climatology, atmospheric chemistry, hydrometeorology, agrometeorology and similar areas, who are able to use scientific knowledge and methodologies associated with this science for social and economic benefit. In addition, there is an evident increase in climatological and meteorological information available on the internet. Though much of it is free, there is a void of experts able to transform this information into specific products of interest  for institutions and organizations in which they work.

The objective of the program is to form graduates specialized in the areas of meteorology and climatology who can perform in professional activities where this knowledge is relevant, as well as prosecute advanced studies in these disciplines.

This Master program is geared towards meteorologists, civil engineers, and professionals of other types of Earth Sciences (oceanographers, geologists, geophysicists) and Exact Sciences (physicists and mathematicians). Work opportunities for graduates of this program include areas such as meteorological and hydrological public institutions (e.g., Ministry of Environment, Energy, Public Works; SAG CONAF ONEMI) and private organizations (companies in mining, agriculture, energy, and consulting firms in meteorology, environment, water resources).

The study plan combines a solid training in atmospheric physics and dynamics, a specialization in advanced and current topics, and the acquisition of competencies in modern techniques of observation, analysis and modeling.



Plan de estudio

Requisitos de Admisión

Students wishing to apply for Master programs offered by the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, University of Chile must have a bachelor or a professional degree in a similar area, granted by a national or international university certifying a solid background in the specific area of the Master program. The Academic Committee of the program will review each application taking into account all the required background.

Applicants have to submit all their educational records at the moment of applying. Some of them are:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Application Form
  • Transcript of records of the previous courses and their programs in case they come from other national or international universities.
  • Bachelor's or professional diploma
  • A letter of intention, and at least two letters of recommendation.